Live Concerts Dr. Mike Testa Live Concerts Dr. Mike Testa

SPL Does Not Need To Be 150dB!

You have a moral obligation to protect all members of the concert experience. From musicians on stage to the six-year-old kid in the last row, you, as the A1, have sole control over the output of the main speakers. Having listening levels that are too loud and produce hearing damage over exposure time means you morally failed part of the concert-going experience. As a professional, you are obligated to educate yourself, understand the limits of your system and human anatomy and figure out a way to deliver the best SAFE concert experience to all involved.

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Live Concerts, Music Business Dr. Mike Testa Live Concerts, Music Business Dr. Mike Testa

Dynamic Pricing Used by Ticketmaster is Pushing Fans Away from Live Concerts in a Post Covid Market

Fans have long feared the nightmare scenario: being shut out of their favorite concert because Ticketmaster has used dynamic Pricing to increase prices. According to a recent article, this happened to many concertgoers when tickets went on sale for an upcoming Bruce Springsteen tour. As demand increased, the price of tickets skyrocketed, with some seats costing as much as $5,500! But the real reason for dynamic Pricing is to reduce the secondary market and to increase revenue. Suppose the secondary market sells a ticket to an event for six times the face value. As the world starts to emerge from the pandemic, concert venues are filling up. But, ticketmaster’s alienating of fans in a post-COVID-19 market is leaving artists with little recourse and difficult decisions about how to best serve their fans.

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