Mastering the Basics: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Audio Consoles and Their Role in Sound Production
Demystify the world of audio production with this comprehensive beginner's guide to audio consoles. Understand the key functions, features, and benefits of audio consoles, and explore how these intricate devices shape the soundscapes in music, film, broadcasts, and live events. Perfect for aspiring audio engineers and sound enthusiasts.
Black Friday Sales and Deals: 5 Strategies for Buying Plugins.
Black Friday sales and deals can be quite enticing. But having a strategy when purchasing your music production plugins is essential to maximizing your value. gives you 5 strategies to think about before downloading your next bundle.
Crash proofing your technology ecosystem: 7 ways to prevent single points of failure.
Do you have too many Facebook logins? What would you do if the power went out? This blog post looks at the idea of a single point of failure and how we can try to mitigate them.
Where Do I Put This Instrument? Beginning Mix Theory.
Where do we put the kick drum in a mix? Or the guitar? Or the Synth? Dr. Testa discusses mix theory and how to do pre-production for your mix projects.
Concerts in a post COVID-19 World; A model for a better streaming experience?
A model for streaming concerts in a post-COVID-19 world. By Dr. Testa
Working with Virtual Guitars.
Working with virtual guitars requires additional processing in order to get a more natural sound.