Mixing, Broadcast Dr. Mike Testa Mixing, Broadcast Dr. Mike Testa

Want to be a Better Broadcast Audio Mixer? 6 Traits of Top Engineers.

What makes a good broadcast audio mixer? Whether you are just starting or a veteran engineer, every mixer asks themselves if they are at the top of their game. It's natural to compare ourselves to our colleagues, but how do you know who the top mixers are? Some mixers went to college for audio, and some did not. So, what makes somebody good? So, let's look at common things with top broadcast audio mixers.

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Business Dr. Mike Testa Business Dr. Mike Testa

Using social media in music, audio, or broadcast production.

Social media is a powerful tool that you can use to enhance and generate leads for your freelance business. Many music production and broadcast production Jobs post on a freelance basis. Besides the usual crewing companies, how else do freelance audio engineers generate business? A few audio engineers I know make a good living off working freelance, and they all have one thing in common: They're very proactive about finding work. In addition to the usual job boards and classified ads, they use social media to generate leads for audio engineering work.

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Business, Broadcast Dr. Mike Testa Business, Broadcast Dr. Mike Testa

Netflix to Move to a Tiered Subscription Model

Spencer Newman, Netflix's CFO, hinted at the possibility of ads on their platform. This announcement seems to be in response to Disney's introduction of a lower-priced subscription that includes advertisements in March 2022. However, one must look at this as a return to traditional advertisements broadcast only on a different platform. This advertisement model is similar to what cable companies have used for decades: pay for premium channels with no commercials (HBO) and the general subscription for other programming with commercials.

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