Business, Social Media Dr. Mike Testa Business, Social Media Dr. Mike Testa

How to Take a Break from Social Media and 5 Things to Help Refocus Your Social Media Strategy

It can be frustrating when social media goes down, especially if you're in the middle of trying to post something meaningful. But outages can also be an excellent opportunity to hit the pause button and assess your social media strategy. This is your chance to make sure that everything you're doing aligns with your goals.

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Business Dr. Mike Testa Business Dr. Mike Testa

Using social media in music, audio, or broadcast production.

Social media is a powerful tool that you can use to enhance and generate leads for your freelance business. Many music production and broadcast production Jobs post on a freelance basis. Besides the usual crewing companies, how else do freelance audio engineers generate business? A few audio engineers I know make a good living off working freelance, and they all have one thing in common: They're very proactive about finding work. In addition to the usual job boards and classified ads, they use social media to generate leads for audio engineering work.

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